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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
COLGATE total plax 3
COLGATE total plax +arrows 3
COLGATE total whitening 3
COLGATE plus total whitenin 3
D'COLD total +man 5
DISHA total power solutions 9, 11
EXCALIBUR total dressing 24, 25, 26
GLIM total 5
GLIZID total 5
HYDRO DECC total 5
K7 total security 42
LISTERINE total care 3
MAC total beauty solution 3
NASMARC total tablets 5
NIEM total education +circl 16
NOVA body total grow 5
PANTENE total damage care 3
PARCHUTE total 3
PROPRE total 3
QTTO total quality 20
RB BAGLA total solution 6, 7
RELIANCE total network 9, 16, 38, 41
RESENE total colour SYSTEM 2
SEDLA CARE total healthcare 10
SHIMADZU lab total +squares 37
SPECTO VISION total eye car 35
STARLITE total +stars 3
TAC total animation cabinet 41
TC total care beauty salon 42
TECHNOVA WORLD total imagin 2, 6, 16
TECHNOVA world total imagin 1, 9
TECHNOVAWORLD total imaging 6, 9, 16
THE CHOPRAS total solutions 41
TIO DELUXE total wash 3
TLM total lubrication 11
TOPSGRUP total security 16
TQS total quality solutions 42
TWS total wardrobe solution 3, 9, 16, 18, 24, 25
YEM z for total health +ova 30
rb BAGLA total solution 6
SAMAGRA in totality +oval 3, 21, 29, 30
SHOPKHADI.COM totally india 35
TIE totally integrated 9
AL-KAUSAR totapuri +mangoes 29
totoron 24
touch & bright VITASHINE 21
touch AVANTIKA +oval 24, 25
touch BRITONA 25
touch BRITONA +oval 24
touch O' nature 3
touch WOOD 3
touch-up +hat & face 25
AKE royal touch +circle 2
ALCATEL omni touch 9
ARTIST touch 32, 33
ASIAN PAINTS touch wood 2
BAE power touch +lines 16
BORO touch 3
CINTH healing touch +crown 5
D DREAM CARE a fresh touch 24
DERO touch 19
DHATHRI healing touch 35
DHM new touch 25
DRG foam touch 18
DUGAR super touch 2
DUKE feather touch +man 25
ESCORIAL touch 24
FEATHER touch 25
FPS canada touch 2
G GOGO touch life +oval 11
GLADE touch & fresh 3
GLADE touch n fresh 5
GOLD touch 5
GOLDEN touch +oval 18, 25
GUIDO the italian touch GD 25
HTC touch 9
JOHNSON'S BABY touch +woman 16, 42
JP JUPITER touch lab. +oval 42
JUSTDIAL human touch 9, 16, 35
KASHISH touch of india 18, 25
KHF warm touch 25
LAYER'R touch UP 3
LUXURY silk touch SAMTARA 2
MAGIC touch 2
MAGIC touch +star 21
MIDAS touch 5, 14, 17
MT MIDAS touch 9
MY ESPACE.NET get in touch 9
touch 19
NANO-touch 24, 25
NT nice touch bra & panty 25
OXY CARSON only the touch 25
PARAS touch of excellence 17
PEN-touch 16
PLATIGNUM touch 24
POT-FREE hygiene touch free 16
PREETHI touch +square 11
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